

CrowdDNA is a European Union Horizon 2020 (EU H2020) project for research and innovation selected in the FET Open call. It’s funded by the European Commission for the period of November 2020 to April 2024. The official name of the project is “Technologies for computer-assisted crowd management”, which is also the focus area of our research activities. 

FET Open, now part of the EIC Pathfinder pilot, supports the early-stages of the science and technology research and innovation around new ideas towards radically new future technologies. It also funds coordination and support actions for such high-risk forward looking research to prosper in Europe, and FET Innovation Launchpad Actions aiming at turning results from FET-funded projects into genuine societal or economic innovations.


The CrowdDNA Team, also known as the CrowdDNA Consortium under official EU H2020 terminology, is comprised of leading experts and researchers from the following academic institutions and commercial enterprises:


Three external advisors are convened to participate to Management Board meetings without any voting rights, to assist and facilitate, if needed, the decisions taken. These advisors have been carefully selected in agreement with all of CrowdDNA’s partners. They each have a complementary area of expertise that allows them to bring an outside perspective to the project.